Park Your Car To Sell
1085 Nick Davis Rd, Harvest, AL 35749
$49 per vehicle for 3 weeks
NO Additional Fee at sale
Advance Payment by Cash, Check or Credit Card is required.
Multiple vehicle discounts available
Seller is responsible for all communication with buyers.
Seller must clearly identify vehicle with window display to include: Year, Make, Model, Miles, Asking Price and working Phone #.
Individual Sellers only.
No Open Titles allowed.
Ownership must be verified.
Seller retains all liability for damage and loss. Parking a seller's risk.
Only vehicles that will fit within the area of a normal parking space are allowed. No RVs. Only Wheeled vehicles. No Trailers. No Boats
Proprietor reserves the right to refuse parking to anyone at the proprietor's discretion.
Meet with buyers on your terms at our place.
Benefit from our traffic and visibility.
Improve Promotion with our on-line group.
Simplify selling using our templates & forms.
www.ParkYourCarToSell.com is a division of Middle Man Enterprises. Site updated 2020